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Colourful concept for
an IT challenger
Soft was commissioned by Zwapgrid to develop a concept
that could communicate their unique business concept; where the clients pay for transactions between IT systems rather than software and consulting services for development and integration that is the traditional business model.
Since the project budget did not allow for any 3D we created small robots with our children's lego.
We created a basic robot and ordered enough pieces for ten small bots with small variations. Since 2016 it is possible to buy single Lego pieces online. After construction, we photographed and retouched the pictures in Photoshop. The yellow Lego colour was implemented in the brand guide. The guide also included complementary color, fonts, some patterns, and a corporate icon and a logotype.

During 2019 we have continuously developed Zwapgrid's basic concept and added new content to support the new product portfolio. The new content is based on interviews with CEO Leo Berghald and our own ideas after a competitor analysis.
Soft has designed new icons and models and integrated them on the new site and the new business presentation in We are right now working on the last part of the background video for the presentation. The video will be used online too.

New content and new web in 2019
Fler aktuella projekt
© 2019 Soft reklambyrå
Soft reklambyrå AB
Triewaldsgränd 2
SE - 111 29 Stockholm, Sweden
Telefon: +46-8-411 94 10
© 2018 Soft reklambyrå
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